This blog is edited by Vibha volunteers, project partners, and supporters. We hope to bring forth our thoughts, reflections, experiences as a volunteer organization working towards improving the lives of scores of underprivileged children in India and the US. We will periodically report on the various projects that we support, fundraising activities, volunteering experience, government policy towards child development, and opinions and philosophical pieces on issues concerning underprivileged children.

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. India, by one count, has 18 million* street children and over 22 million* child laborers. Nearly 20%** of the children 6-14 years old have no access to primary education. Less than 45%** receive the immunization required to protect them from deadly illnesses. Half the children do not get enough food everyday and are chronically or acutely undernourished. Ask yourself – is this really how your message should read? (*, ** UNICEF India).

Vibha is a movement that empowers you to make a difference. We aim to ensure that every underprivileged child attains his or her right to education, health and opportunity.

If you want to make a difference in the life of a child that can only dream but has never experienced opportunity – contact us and we can show you how.

Vibha’s vision

Our vision is to ensure that every underprivileged child attains his or her right to education, health and opportunity.

Vibha’s mission

Our mission is to educate, empower and enable every individual who wishes to make a positive difference in the life of the underprivileged child.

Founded in 1991, today Vibha has a volunteer network of 825 volunteers spread across 15 Action Centers (Atlanta, Austin, Bay Area, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Jacksonville, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Twin Cities – Minnesota, New York, Philadelphia, Sacramento, Washington DC) and several other cities across the US and India. Till date, we have supported about 190 projects in India and the US. Read more about our current projects here.

Vibha is a 501 (c) (3) organization, registered as Help Them Grow, Inc., in the State of New Jersey. Vibha’s Tax id is 22-3122761.

Rules for blog authors

  1. Permission to post an article on the blog is offered by invitation only. If you are already not an invited author, but wish to post an article, please email
  2. In accordance with our organization’s policy, posts that contain comments that are of a religious, political, or discriminatory nature to any individual, nation, or organization are strictly not allowed.
  3. Restrict your posts to activities concerning Vibha. These might include a report on a visit to a Vibha supported project or child-development projects run by NGOs in India and the US, your experiences on volunteering with Vibha, Vibha fundraising events, informational posts on governmental or extra-governmental activity on issues concerning underprivileged children in India, and lessons or observations from similar organizations working with underprivileged children.
  4. Remember that this is a public blog. So absolutely no personal information violating anybody’s privacy must appear on a blog post. No private/personal phone numbers, email addresses, postal address of any individual person and no mention of any Vibha donor by full name must appear in a post. Never use any last names. Use first names only if you must.
  5. Be civil in your posts. Rants of any kind will not be tolerated in a post.
  6. All posts will be reviewed for content and compliance by the Vibha blog administrators. The administrators reserve the right to modify your posts for editorial quality as deemed fit. In the event the administrator’s editorial modifications are not acceptable to you, you have the option of modifying it yourself to conform to Vibha’s standards or deleting your post.
  7. The opinions expressed in your post are yours and yours alone. You will not hold Vibha responsible or liable or any actions, including any third-party lawsuits, that may result directly or indirectly from your post.
  8. Vibha reserves the right to delete your post from the blog and any comments received for your post at any time for any reason and with or without informing you. However, Vibha will make every attempt to exercise proper judgment in deleting posts and comments.
  9. By posting on the Vibha blog, you also provide the right to Vibha to use any or all part of your post in any Vibha promotional material.

Rules and Guidelines for Comments

  1. Vibha welcomes your comments on any post. In accordance with our organization’s policy, comments that are of a religious, political, or discriminatory nature to any individual, nation, or organization are strictly not allowed and will be deleted at the sole discretion of the Vibha.
  2. Be civil in your comments. Comments that are abusive, solicitous, sexual, and or otherwise deemed inappropriate for a civil forum will not be tolerated. Vibha reserves the right to delete any comment at any time, with or without reason, and with or without informing you. However, Vibha will make every attempt to exercise proper judgment in deleting comments.
  3. By posting your comments on the Vibha blog, you provide the right to Vibha to use any or all part of your comment in any Vibha promotional material.

3 thoughts on “About the Vibha Blog

  1. SRIDEVI says:

    Hi,marvellous post,really its a precious job to provide education to all.I really appreciate your team for this wonderful thought.I too really wants to join hands with VIBHA.

  2. Asif Adeni says:

    I have been following activities of Vibha through emails I am receiving since a couple of years. I am in touch with some members of Vibha in Bangalore. I do some voluntary work for NGO in Bangalore. The website is -
    I visit California every year. I would like to know if you have any member in Campbell-CA. I am going back to Bangalore end of October.

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